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Bifroest | Mr. Tines | CTC Home | CTClib | MacCTC | CTCjava | Manual |
MacCTC2.1 is built with CTClib2.1, and hence incorporates the bug-fixes and improvements of this library release. See the CTClib2.1 release notes for details.
Testing: I regret that due to the demise of my 68k lap-top, I no longer have a 68k machine for native mode testing this variant. Accordingly the 68k variant is seriously undertested.
The most significant change is the addition of some new key management windows
that allow the examination of the details of keys, and a number of manipulations.
This includes the addition of a number of extra windows. All the changes
are accessed via the Keys
menu. Formerly this menu had several
sub-menus each for a different operation, Extract
, Disable
, Discard
, etc. At
2.1, this menu is simplified and most of the functionality is moved into
the new key editing window. This is accessed (for any key) from the Edit
window. Only selecting Signing Key
and Extract
remain as separate operations in the Keys
menu. For
details see the relevant section of the
MacCTC manual.
Text (edit) windows are not handled slightly differently, especially with respect to saving them. Previously the handling was awkward. It was not possible to "save" a window with no associated file, you had to use "Save As..." to store it. The new behaviour is more intuitive and standard.
A number of windows have been resized or repositioned. This is to reduce overlap and give a more comprehensible user interface, especially on small screens.
The following problems were in 2.0 and are fixed in 2.1.
MacCTC used to generate time-stamps in localtime not UTC.
Selecting UUencode format ASCII-armour produces not output. (This is a simple
coding error handling the menu. The UUencode item is return ARM_MIME, not
ARM_UUENCODE and as MIME isn't implemented, there is no output.)
[This did not apply to the 68k version.]
A change of key-ring does not seem to be immediately effective. You needed to restart the program.
When MacCTC performed its automatic line wrap before encryption it could split words in long paragraphs.
If a text window had a disc file associated with it, and had unsaved changes in the window, then "encrypt window" operations could take the data from the disc file thereby ignoring the unsaved changes.
This is in addition to in CTClib2.1. The CTClib release notes includes a technical description of these. However for non-programmer users for MacCTC the user visible effects are:-
This is now interoperable with PGP5.0 and other OpenPGP implementations.
Previously it was not.
N.B. This means that CTC2.0 is not inter-operable with CTC2.1 on this
class of encryption only. Anyone who has been using CTC2.0 for 3-DES conventional
encryption must decrypt with CTC2.0 and re-encrypt with CTC2.1
CTC will now read key-rings and files containing Key-Recovery Keys. It discards any such keys. CTC is not big-brother friendly. (Previously CTC suffered a detected buffer overflow and refused to process the Key-Recovery key or anything following it in the file.)
There have been a number of improvement in the robustness of the Eudora interface.