Other Ian Millers
Both my forename and surname are quite common in the English speaking world,
and there are thousands of Ian Millers. As such it isn't really surprising
that one or two are famous. I'm not. However these are:-
He has a long career illustrating books and games, including J.R.R. Tolkien.
He has no internet presence to the best of my knowledge. Accordingly to
of the Coast's list
of artists, his address is:-
Ian Miller
43 Vere Road
Strictly a different spelling but I still get e-mail addressed to him.
He is a top Canadian show-jumper, riding Ben Big and Mont Cenis.
I do not know of any internet address for him. There are lots of
sites that mention him. Just use your favourite search engine to
look for "Ian Millar show jumping".
Did a search engine bring you here?
That is did a search engine bring you directly to this page?
If so, please tell me
about it.
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